Want to know How Steel Cord Conveyor Belt Splicing STEP BY STEP

 Want to know How Steel Cord Conveyor Belt Splicing STEP BY STEP

The belt is one of the most important parts of a conveyor system when it comes to design and investment costs. Due to logistic reasons, the belt can only be transported in segments to the conveyor system, limited by weight or length of the individual segment. The splicing is done directly at the system. In the splice, tensile forces are transferred through the core rubber and not via tension member. This fact makes a splice the weakest point of a conveyor belt. The tension member of a belt can consist of textile fabric or steel cords, depending on the tensile strength of the belt. Steel cord conveyor belts can reach a nominal belt breaking strength up to 10.000 N/mm. Fig. 1 shows the general structure of a steel cord conveyor belt

Fig. 1. Steel cord conveyor belt

Fig. 1. Steel cord conveyor belt 

The steel cords are covered in core rubber and form the carcass of the belt which is covered by top and bottom cover. The bottom cover transfers the driving forces from drive pulley to the belt. The top cover transports the bulk material and protects the carcass from damages caused by material impacts. The steel cords are right and left twisted and placed alternate next to  each. The cords are zinc coated and have a   zinc oxide layer on top. Zinc oxide has two effects during the belt fabrication. On the one side, it is a vulcanization accelerator and, on the other hand, it provides the basis for a zinc sulfide layer that occurs during vulcanization process between rubber and steel cords and leads to a better adhesion

The splicing procedure of a steel cord conveyor belt is performed as follows. First, the splicing area needs preparation. Before assembling the vulcanization press, the new rubber has to be placed into the splice. Then the vulcanization of the splice area completes the splicing procedure. The present preparation process for splicing procedure consists of numerous manually performed steps. The steel cords of both ends of the conveyor belt have to be completely removed from rubber. Therefore, the first step is to remove top and bottom cover with an oscillating cutting edge. To cut the steel cords apart, a stripping machine is used. Then the biggest amount of the core rubber is stripped from the cords with piano wires.

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Want to know How Steel Cord Conveyor Belt Splicing STEP BY STEP 

See Video Explains How Steel Cord Conveyor Belt Splicing



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