Course 1 about Belt Splicing

 The vulcanized splice is less troublesome than other fastening methods, and results in longer belt life. Already used widely for joining conveyor belt ends, the vulcanized splice is being used increasingly for elevator belts.

Conveyor belts with fabric plies are generally spliced with staggered steps and abutment  the corresponding fabric plies of the two belt ends as

The splice is the weakest point in the entire belt The joint in the fabric of each belt ply respectively entails the elimination of one fabric ply for transmission of the tensile forces in the joint area, i.e. within the splice the overall belt strength is reduced by the tensile strength of one ply through the stepping of the fabric plies. The lower the number of plies, the greater the less of strength as a percentage of the overall belt strength. As the diagram shows, the drop in strength is 25% in a 4-ply belt.

Another bias angle is common used depend on the Vulcanizing machine available which is 22o as  a bias angle of 22o result in

Bias LA = 0.4 x belt width



Example :

Belt width 1000mm, bias length 0.4 x 1000 = 400mm

Belt width 800mm, bias length 0.4 x 800 = 320mm

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